Sunday, July 09, 2006

Obscure college radio from the 90's — #1

I have this habit, a personal weakness of mine, where I collect CD's/mp3's of stuff I used to play back when I was a college radio DJ in the early 90's.

Sometimes I can't find the songs on Limewire, or on other blogs, so I break down and spend the $5 or $6 to get a used CD from

Since I pilfer so much of my music collection from other people, I thought I'd give back a little. My true hope is that these songs are songs that other people have been looking for, and I've just helped them discover an old gem that brings a smile to their face (much like Dave at YuppiePunk recently did for me when he was gracious enough to send me an old Big Drill Car mp3)

So, anyhow, since my A.D.D. already has me bored with this post and ready to move on to other things, I'm not going to post any history on the bands or the songs, just the songs themselves. Again, they are songs I played on my radio show back in the day. If you know them, great. If you don't. check them out.

Muzza Chunka - Float

The Buck Pets - Pearls

Oh, and I have the Buck Pets cd, "Mercurotones" — and I'd be happy to sell it to anyone for $3 postage paid.

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