We had people walk in our door today, and they said they wanted to pay invoice for a brand new Civic — a car we don't have, thanks to Honda placing all their manufacturing eggs in one big Japanese basket.
It's not like Honda has a big markup on the Civic in the first place. You won't see the big rebates and discounts that you find in other manufacturers. Honda doesn't need to. They don't believe in cheapening their product like that, and it's shown time and time again that the aggressive tactics auto companies use to push their product often shows up later in the resale values.
The Civic is not distressed merchandise. It has a long and rich history, with accolades and awards. It is well-known as a reliable and dependable vehicle. And for the 2012 model, Honda redesigned it, added more features, and raised prices only marginally, less than 1% for most models.
Then there are those who will say, "Well, car dealers are crooks"
Sure, some are. I can name a couple dealers in Phoenix who turn large numbers and use "bait and switch" tactics. They'll quote invoice price to get you in the door, and they they hit you with that inflated "accessory" addendum and force you to negotiate it. That's how they bring profit back into it.
Even with the history that the car industry has, the internet has changed everything. People are more informed now, and that's a good thing. The playing field has been leveled.
But, and this is a big *BUT*, tell me ONE other industry where you can walk in and say "I want to pay what you paid"?
Just try it at the pharmacy. Try it with a real estate agent. Heck, try it at Walmart. Good luck to ya if you do.