1) The first band is Farside. The Orange County, CA punk band formed in 1989, and after the obligatory numerous line-up changes, was comprised of frontman Popeye, guitarist Kevin Murphy, bassist Brian Chu and drummer Bob Beshear. They signed with Revelation Records and issued their debut "Rochambeau" in 1992, followed a year later by "Rigged." They then resurfaced in 1999 with the scattered-but-still-amazing "The Monroe Doctrine" and broke up soon after.
The song I'm posting is from 1993's "Rigged". It's called "Page", and I got excited about it again after reading an archived post from Aversiononline.com, where Andrew gushed about this CD like it was the greatest CD of all time. Although I certainly wouldn't go that far, I dug it out and totally rocked out to this song like it was 1993 all over again.
Farside - "Page"
2) The 2nd song is from 411. The band is best known for its singer, Dan O'Mahony, who's been in many hardcore bands (No For an Answer, Speak 714) and is also a writer (I think he once wrote for Punk Planet, or some other zine).
I remember picking up 91's "This Isn't Me" from a mailorder company, probably for no better reason than somebody saying it kicked ass (and the fact that it had a pair of beat up Vans on the cover, which -- being from Pennsyltucky -- I thought was pretty punk rock). Then the opening song "Face the Flag" just floored me. I always had headphones on in those days, and I rode my BMX bike around for weeks cranking that cassette (yes, old school).
This song I'm posting is track 6, "The Naked Face" -- which even after all these years gives me goosebumps when O'Mahony kicks it up a notch or two at the end of the song.
411 - "The Naked Face"